


迄今为止,汽车和机械制造领域一直是中国投资者的热门目标。 将来,哪些行业会中国投资者越来越重要?




  巍,中国并购公会会长, 万盟并购集团董事长, 中国金融博物馆理事长。曾任职多家境内外金融机构。直接组织了中国几十家大型企业的改制、重组、承销及并购业务;在创新金融工具、企业重组和产业整合等领域经验丰富。王巍长期担任政府经济顾问,上市公司和金融机构的独立董事。

Wei Wang is Chairman of China Mergers & Acquisitions Association (CMAA) which he set up in 2004 with over 180 companies & institutions, and Founder of China M&A Group, the most influential M&A investment banking boutique in China. He is also the General Secretary of China Private Equities Association from 2010.

Mr. Wang has organized and supervised IPO underwritings for over 40 Chinese companies in both domestic and overseas markets. He is a financial consultant on restructuring, financing, M&A and IPO for many leading companies in China. He had worked in many leading organization and corporations such as Nomura Security Co. Ltd. In Tokyo, the World Bank in Washington D.C. and the Chase Bank in New York. Mr. Wang also serves as the economic advisor for several ministerial and provincial governments in China as well as independent director on several listed companies.

Mr. Wang received his Bachelor degree in accounting, a Master degree in finance in China and his Ph.D. in economics from Fordham University in the United States. An author of many books, journal articles and a well known lecturer, He has given seminars and lectures in many universities include CEIBS and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. He found Asian Business School in 2008 and Chinese Museum of Finance in 2010.

His excellence has been recognized by the public; Mr. Wang has been named as “Top Five Chinese investment bankers” by Talent Magazine in 2003, “the Most Influential Independent Director” by the Board magazine in 2006 and “the Most Influential Investment Banker” by China Finance Web in 2006. He is also selected as a member of Shanghai Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Advisory Committee in 2007.

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